CO-DE Range

Looking for the ultimate nut meal based bait, packed with only the highest quality ingredients!

The Co-De has proven to be a true all-round bait, being a perfect blend of human food grade peanut and tiger nut meals, our yellow birdseed blend along with human food grade milk and whey proteins. Giving a finished bait packed with nutritional content with boosted levels of in-built attraction to ensure twelve months a year of effectiveness.

Add to this a beautiful Amino-rich blend of liquid foods, liquid yeasts and natural sugars, along with our in-house blend of sweet blend of flavours and essential oils that carp simply find hard to resist.

This is one of those baits that can be used with total confidence on virtually any type of water throughout the year.

Available in both shelf-life and freezer baits along with matching solubles, pellets, bag mix, hook baits, liquid activator, bait soak complex and bait spray. Giving you everything you will ever need in a premium quality bait. 

Sizes available being 12mm, 15mm, 18mm and our new 24mm.

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