The great benefit of writing for the Nutrabaits newsletter is I can be as biased as I want without incurring the wrath of trolls r us saying he would say that wouldn’t he LOL. However, as I’m sure you can guess the topic of choice this month is using the brilliant Solubles. I have been in a very fortunate position with these as when I came back home to the Nutrabaits family, I was given them before the official launch as part of the field-testing team. Now as I have been in this game for 50 years, groan, I do understand the implications of this. I smile because those who don’t understand field testing think it’s always a plus or massive advantage. Well undoubtedly when everything is finalised and tested and retested, for sure it’s a bonus. However, using something not stabilised or still being developed means you can end up struggling until the gold standard is set. And therein lies a very important point for all of us Nutrabaits users.
The gold standard of our baits is that they are 100% proven, stabilised and known to put more carp on the bank for you. Well with the solubles, word was leaking out that we had something a little special. So much so that other companies tried to bring out their own versions. Now I know they had not had the development time that we had at Nutrabaits and as such their solubles weren’t in the same league as ours. It did however allow them to claim things that weren’t proven. However, I have always believed competition comments are simply white noise.
Once you understand and buy into the Nutrabaits ethos you know quality is NEVER compromised. So much so that in the colder water temperatures of Spring, this boilie is an absolute game changer. But why? Simple; The breakdown rate means that the attractors are leaking upon impact, and still while the bait is breaking down. Couple this with the same ingredients being used as the finished steamed boilie, and it is a must for quick bites.
Initially, the idea was to simply stick the solubles out with a throwing stick. However, I have found by using a spomb, the loose feed attraction can be spread over your baited areas pulling carp in quicker. In fact, I tend to use a four to one ratio of solubles to boilies. The other aspect you can make bespoke is the break down time. When you arrive at your venue, take a little bucket and fill it with the lake water. Drop a few solubles in and you will see how long they are before they become a ground air esq attractor. By drizzling an essential oil, I use garlic, you can extend the breakdown time. As you are looking to entice the carp first and foremost into feeding this time of year, it is a great tactic to do this. Remember most of the lake temperatures in Spring will still be in single digits and you need to realise this should be the approach. Now one other thing which I believe can give a great advantage too, is to use a soluble as your hookbait. Now here is where your bucket of lake water to test the breakdown comes into. I have found if I stick to half the time using a soluble as a hookbait of the breakdown time, there is no danger of ending up with no hook bait in your hair. Yes, it takes some balls but remember you can put a paste wrap around this to also extend it. I know you all know that I catch big carp and to keep doing this requires being different. Trust me, use the Solubles for your early Spring carp fishing and you will not only have an edge over others, but your catches will improve.
Good luck and I’ll see you on the bank.